


I am on the Hill, with a capital H, talking and listening and getting a bit frustrated with what we are hearing about comprehensive immigration reform. There is much political hand wringing on one side (mine) and gnashing of teeth on the other. We are listening to...

The times, they are a changing.

That song is by Bob Dylan, right?  I will out myself, I'm not a Dylan fan, but that song is fitting since I've made a huge decision and am moving my office back across the border to Maryland where I can actually practice criminal law again! Whoohoo!!  The...


I have lots I'm thinking about, from single parenting (not me, but friends) to witty answers to the question "how can you defend those criminals" (you mean the constitution?) to why I still say I'm a criminal defense attorney when I swore I'd hung up the...

Getting Back to Basics

When you've been out of practice for a while, it takes a minute or two to get your bearings.  This is true for anything you do - foreign language, baking bread, legal research.  I've been out of the practice for a while so everything seems a bit new and...

Who needs a diary when you have gmail?

I've been trying to remember the names of cases.  Yes, I have plenty of information in this blog about the cases I've tried or handled in general, but no names. And, it turns out that the details I provide in this here blog are great and amusing and interesting,...

Just Checking

Well, I wish I had a lot to report since last we chatted.  Let me see, the boys are almost 3.  They aren't potty trained.  (Too lazy.  Me, not them)  They are talking up a storm.  Their favorite cartoon is Tom and Jerry (go them!) ...

Chase me! I’ve got a Big Heart.

I think I've mentioned before that I've always wanted to run a marathon, and really, what better time to run one when I'm a stay at home mom of crazy twin boys in the middle of moving? I've got nothing else to do but run, right?Well, I've decided to do the Marine...

Worked up

I am so worked up over this election, probably because I am incredibly disappointed by my fellow Americans. I didn't realize that we really did want just anybody in our Chief Executive and co-Executive position. I thought when we told our kids "you can be President"...

Further ranting on Sarah Palin

My rant is in no particular order, but here goes:1. She did not WRITE A WORD OF THAT SPEECH. Matthew Scully who was a Bush Speechwriter, wrote it. Not her. She read it. She can read very, very well. Great. I'm glad she can read. Can everyone stop gushing about how...

I’m Insulted

I am checking in not to write about the beginnings of year 2 with toddlers (yes, they both walk now) or that I'm going back to work (not yet, but soon enough) but to say that while I was on the fence about Obama for a while (yes, its true, I was thinking about McCain)...

Never, ever again.

In my initial post partum days, when I was certifiably insane, I thought I was ready to have another child as soon as my body bounced back. Luckily for me, it took my body a long time to bounce back (and its till doing a lot of bouncing, but that's another post for...

Bella is beautiful

So, I'm going to give a shout out to our newest mommy blogger, my good friend JC who is writing about all things Bella.There were points in time when I hoped I would be having a boy and a girl. Hey, the best of both worlds! Well, I got two boys and I am thrilled...
