I am checking in not to write about the beginnings of year 2 with toddlers (yes, they both walk now) or that I’m going back to work (not yet, but soon enough) but to say that while I was on the fence about Obama for a while (yes, its true, I was thinking about McCain) I am now quite clear on my vote.
McCain has completely insulted my intelligence as a woman. Let me make clear that I am not a fan of Mrs. Clinton’s. I was not a supporter of hers. In fact, I am not a follower of politics in general since I think politicians make big promises and never deliver (obvious statement about politicians, I know). However, Hillary has balls. I don’t mean she is manly, I mean she has gumption, to use an old fashioned word. She is smart, she is witty, she is wise.
Sarah Palin might be all of those things. . . eventually. Right now, she is a gimmick. Right now, she is a pawn in McCain’s game. How on earth does the RNC say, with a straight face, that Obama doesn’t have the experience to be President, but say Sarah Palin does? I mean, let’s face it, McCain is OLD. He is probably going to die in office and then Mrs. Palin will be President. I’m sorry, but I think that a Palin presidency is a very, very bad idea.
I’m not even that concerned with the fact that her daughter is pregnant. I think it makes his pick even more gimmicky (gimmickier?) because I wonder how you really get around that if you believe what the RNC claims to believe. I’m not even that concerned that she put her career before her family (I know, I know, its very anti-feminist for me to say that, but this is my blog and I can say what I feel, right? Besides, it might still be post-partum hormones). What concerns me is her complete, unadulterated lack of experience.
Okay, I lied. I am concerned about the fact that her daughter is pregnant. And she put her career before her family. But, shouldn’t the RNC be concerned about these things too?
I wouldn’t give a crap about her daughter being pregnant at 17 if it weren’t for the fact that Gov Palin:
1. Supports abstinence-only education and not sex-ed (worked well, didn’t it?)
2. Is anti-choice
(for America…but not her own family)
3. Slashed funding for a center teen moms in Alaska (while handing out funding to her pet projects)
It is hypocrisy, pure and simple.
And let’s not even get started on the lies and misrepresentations that she has put forth in the press–and she’s not even ONE WEEK into her campaign!!
But the Republicans (or at least McCain strategists) think women will vote for anyone that has a vagina apparently. No other qualifications required.
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