


More posts on Padilla

Heads are exploding in the criminal and immigration law universe.  Here's a good post on the topic by Scott Greenfield of Simple Justice.It's been a little while since anyone has gotten their panties in a knot over a good supreme court ruling.  Or, maybe it...

Talk about being completely wrong.

I've been doing some research on the Writ of Error Coram Nobis in Maryland and in the midst of it I came across this little gem of a decision, published March 29, 2010, just days before Padilla v. Kentucky was handed down by the Supremes.  It is a 53 page...

Marine Corps Marathon, Take 2

My original 4 readers know that I ran(ish) the Marine Corps Marathon in 2008, barely a year after my boys were born. A marathon was something I'd always wanted to complete.  I'd trained, but not horribly hard.  I would say that the best way to avoid an...

For your reading pleasure

Here is the full text of the opinion in Padilla v. Kentucky.  This weekend, I will be doing some lawerly work and putting out a short cheat sheet (to the extent such a think exists in the legal realm) on some things criminal attorneys need to be aware of when...

More on Immigration and Criminal Defense

Padilla v. Kentucky has been getting a lot of play.  Some PD's are scared of it, wondering how it will add on to their case load, private criminal defense attorneys don't understand it, wondering how it will play out in post-conviction...

Now THIS is a Blog

I can't say it enough.  Blogs should inspire, uplift, want you to fight.  This one does it for me.Go Public Defender...

I’ve been to Supermax but I’ve never been to me

I have family members who now read this blog.  I sort of wonder what they think about it, what they think about what I do.  I never talk about it so I'm not sure if they realize that I spent the majority of my adult life defending people like this or...

I am in the midst of our night fight - aka trying to get the twin terrors to bed. I hear yacob trying to get yonas to get out of bed and lie down on the floor. I think he has some superior powers of persuasion. I see car dealer or lawyer in his future.In any event,...

More On Marketing (but really, just more about me)

Every month we have a networking lunch at a lovely spot in Maryland.  A bunch of solo and small firm attorneys come to eat salad and salmon, have coffee and pass around business cards.  We sit in a big square and the young'uns ask questions of...

And One More!

How could I forget? I've also got a great mention from one of my early blogger friends, Mark Draughn of Windy Pundit fame.  I feel...

Tooting my own horn (beep beep)

The blogosphere has changed since I started writing.  In 2004, this was my private (for the whole world to see) journal.  I was anonymous and it was easy to write what I thought and felt and how things were for me.  I didn't realize how funny I was...
