My original 4 readers know that I ran(ish) the Marine Corps Marathon in 2008, barely a year after my boys were born. A marathon was something I’d always wanted to complete.  I’d trained, but not horribly hard.  I would say that the best way to avoid an injury while training was to not train that much.  The race itself was fantastic and I finished and didn’t get swept up in the pokey-mobile.  Which was really my goal.  The marines were on point (and cute too). 

But, I think I was crazy.  I really believe I had no idea how far 26.2 miles was.  I was still post-partum, maybe the thyroid meds hadn’t really kicked in.  I don’t know what.  I would run 17 miles in the summer heat and think nothing of it.  I didn’t get tired.  I just didn’t think about it.  I was also home full time and looked foward to the hours of solitude during a run. 

Now I know better.  My head is clear.  I understand distance, time and space.  26.2 miles is VERY VERY FAR.  I am much more intimadated this time around because I now have expectations of how I will do and also, I know how far it is.  Did I mention that its far?

I’m in it though.  I’m going to do it and I’m excited for it.  I’d like to finish upright and in a reasonable amount of time.  I weigh a bit less, so less of me to carry to the finish line.  I’ve got a great MP3 player and the RunKeeper App which is basically a garmin and has training plans loaded onto it.  I’m committed. 

But damn, is it far.
