


A Million Points of Hope

I haven't been following the presidential campaigns much these days, you know, because I'm busy doing nothing. I've read a bit about Hilary's snafu's and Obama's middle name, I know that people think McCain is trustworth, but I think that is because he is old....

So, what do you do?

A long time ago, this question would give me the opportunity to say, in a nonchalant tone of voice, "oh, I'm a criminal defense attorney." Deep inside, I was quite proud of this line, of what it said about me: I am not afraid of hard work, my life is like Law and...

My brain is drained.

I wish I had something interesting to write about, but my sleep deprived brain is unable to come up with anything witty or clever that would hold anyone's attention for more than a millisecond. This tiredness has slipped far into my being. It's so deep, its actually...

My wish for you

Dear Babies Y,I am sitting here with channel 47 on the television. There is a show on Easter Island on that station right now. You two are asleep in your bassinet upstairs and your daddy is asleep on the couch wearing his Bad Religion t-shirt. It looks a lot like the...

A long drink of water, but I’m still thirsty

I am in awe of these babies and I believe that perhaps it is true that we are made in God's image. After all, when we finally see the face of God, we are supposed to be struck with awe and we will stand there and look at him/her for a million years, but it will seem...

I suck at blogging but I change a mean diaper

So, um, being a parent is really hard. You have to figure out what is wrong when your babies cry. They don't tell you a damned thing! It's a constant "If you don't know, I'm not telling you!" battle.Pacifiers get lost all the time and the one your babies take will get...

A few new things

I know, I know, I had a very short lived comeback. I fear I may have lost all four of my readers, but I'm going to take a chance that at least two of you will read this with some interest.Here is what's been happening in my world.I've decided to become a stay at home...

Things I have been looking up instead of posting

The fact is, I have been on the internet quite frequently since I've been placed on bedrest. I've found that Dr. Google is an excellent source of information - most of it leading to distress and trauma, but still, information nonetheless. In case you all are...

I wonder what color my babies will be

There is a show on Discovery Health or TLC or some channel that I watch way too frequently these days called "Jon and Kate plus 8." Now, I've never seen that show in its entirety, but the premise is that there is a couple - Jon and Kate - and they have 8 kids. Six...

I am Guilty of Completely neglecting this blog

Oh me oh my (yeah, now that I'm going to be a mother, I say crap like that) where to begin. I cannot believe it has been almost 6 months since I've updated this blog. I wonder if anyone will even notice that I've posted again. My four readers have probably left me,...

This blog is about to get really lame

Yes, it is. In fact, it is going to get so lame that I don't even know what the point is anymore.For example, today, I want to understand the stigma behind owning and driving a mini-van. Why is it so different from an SUV? Why does husband have a fit every time I say...
