


Should I give it away in the title of this post?

I am putting this out there, hesitantly, tentatively, with the utmost caution. My doctors say I am with child(ren). I am not out of my first trimester, in fact, I've barely got my foot in the first, but there is something there and its giving off the hormones it is...

Dear Anonymous

Your comment sucked and I deleted it. While the U.S.A. may purport to be a free country, people's individual blogs are not. You and FedEx deserve each other.I love being the ruler of my little blogger...

FedEx Sucks

I want the whole world to know that FedEx sucks. By the way, Federal Express, you blow. I can't even believe people entrust valuables to you, much less documents that absolutely, positively have to be there overnight. FedEx, FedEx Express, Federal Express/Kinko's,...

Ouch, I feel rejected!

There are some clients you are just better off without. I say this for those young lawyers brave enough to step out on their own and who will, inevitably, face some form of rejection by clients. Whether its people who dangle the thrill of new clientdom in front of...

So, uh, nice track marks

Long ago, in a land far far away, I never would have imagined this would be my life. I have my own Sharps container in my kitchen. I have a gigantic tupperware container of medication, and my beer fridge downstairs is filled with even more. I have syringes and needles...

It’s been a long time, friend

I've had a nice hiatus from blogging. I've bitched about my lack of anonymity for long enough and now its just time to come to grips with the fact that I need to be cautious about what I write. It's a shame, though, since that means I won't be writing about most of...

My husband is hilarious

If you don't believe me, check out his blog and scroll down till you find the one about John Mark Carr. Serious, cracking me up sort of shit. Now, I know there is a way to link directly to that link, but as you can see from my pretty boring blog I am no computer whiz...

And I thought infertility sucked. . .

So, yesterday afternoon I hop in my little german sedan and head west towards the lovelier parts of Maryland. I have frequently complained of the lack of suitable countrified landscape here in this state, but there can be no such complaints about the western part of...

Not anonymous anymore

I know I've bitched quite a bit about my newly discovered loss of anonymity. I am still trying to come up with some sort of resolution to it. Do I keep writing freely about my cases, my firm, my experiences, or do I doctor them up for public consumption. You know...

What was Nick thinking?

It is wrong to think that Jessica Simpson's new song is the greatest song ever?? Okay, that might be a slight exaggeration, because Shakira's "Hips Don't Lie" might be better, but still. . . am I alone on this...

Party Tunes

I'm having a party at the end of August and I need some suggestions for music. So, if there is something out there you think is end of summer party worthy, please send them my way. Have I-tunes, will...
