


Infertility sucks

There are plenty of reasons why infertility sucks. Most obvious, you can't have kids. That sucks, but it seems that at the end of the day, or at least at the end of MY day, that is really a secondary suckage. Most of the time, I am consumed with the day to day...

I guess Myspace is yourspace, right?

I've got a stalker. I'm 34 (yes, I am! for another month), married and not nearly as attractive as I was years ago, yet now I've got a stalker. He found me somehow, and has been instant messaging me and has now found my MySpace account (yes, I have a myspace and yes,...

fun in the sun, sort of

I spent three days last week with some good friends from my old hometown. We went to the beach. It was. . . nice. It wasn't like old times, that's for sure. One of them is pregnant and the other is trying to be.It was, I thought, a time to celebrate the end of an era...

Garfield Man!

We've been busy at Law Firm by the Bay. I've been handling the finances and writing memos and the others have been trying cases and putting on the ritz. At first I was a bit hesitant about this division of labor, but I find that it has a nice rhythm to it and we are...


Check out this week's BlawgReview.If you look to the right and click on BlondeJustice #61, you'll see the collaborative efforts of Blondie, Woman of the Law, and yours truly. Each person was supposed to contribute a specific number of links, but when I got to the...

Weight loss and other dilemmas

I've gained some weight while undergoing fertility treatments. Mind you, I'm not saying that I am fat, but my clothes fit tighter and I'm not as comfortable in my skin. Since I was required to take a month off from treatments, I decided that I'd use this month to lose...

Strictest Scrutiny

I wanted to write a probing and meaningful post about the right to have children and the scrutiny potential adoptive parents face that biological parents never have to deal with. Example - you can be a drug addict, homeless, convict and have a biological child. You...

It’s never boring in notguilty land

Even more exciting news in notguilty land. I've been MIA because we've been madly searching for houses. Our lease is up in two months and while we love living in the city, there just isn't enough space in our little hipster apartment. I met a kick ass real estate...

How you like me now?

On Friday, at our Grand Party, I ran into a woman with whom I had interviewed at the PD's office (one of my twenty million interviews there, if my dear readers recall). She introduced herself to me and I reminded her that I interviewed with her and that she did not...

I haven’t posted in how long??

Well, I am shocked and dismayed by my lack of posts. It's not like there isn't a lot going on. Maybe that's why I haven't been updating. Its hard to keep up with myself some days. Anyway, here's what's been happening:Our office is up and running. We've got gorgeous...

I know its not Thanksgiving, but. . .

I just got off the phone with my best friend. She's having a meltdown because of paint. I'm sure its not because of paint, but she's painting her house and well, its the easiest thing to blame. She said she was going to stop by here and have a glass of wine with me,...

It’s 8:00, do you know where your lawyers are?

Well, this lawyer is at work. It doesn't suck to work for 14 hours in your own space. Not yet anyway. Its probably different when the work is done all by one person, but here we've got three people and each of us has our own niche. We all do criminal defense, but I'm...
