


Guess where I am!!

So, this is my first post from my NEW OFFICE with the FOUR WINDOWS!!! We have been in this office since April 1. By 'in' I mean working off a folding table in the conference room. By 'working' I mean going to Best Buy and Staples and getting supplies.No, seriously,...

For clarification purposes:

In my last post, I wrote about my cousin who 'never worked a day in her life'. Let me clarify something. The woman works. She works her ass off. She works harder than anyone I know and she looks good doing it. She has three children, one of them is developmentally...

It almost doesn’t feel like work

Okay, I didn't do a whole lot of 'work' work today, but I had a ton of things to do. Most importantly, I went to Tysons Corner in VA and shopped. Yeah, that's what I did because I could actually leave Baltimore at 4:30 to get to VA by 5:30. When I was at...


Yesterday's post was a bummer, but I think it needed to put it out there so that I could actually, and not just philosophically, intergrate my life life with my work life. The starting of this firm has given me the opportunity to examine a lot of issues, take time...

baby time for some

I found out two days ago that a very close friend of mine is pregnant. While I'd like to say I'm nothing but thrilled, that would be a lie. See, husband and I have been trying to have a baby for almost two years, with no luck. It seems that I really shouldn't have...

We made it!

Quick rundown of what happened during the first week of our new law firm:1. Our office isn't ready yet. Go figure. everyone is slow, no one is getting stuff done. We worked out of a partner's house on a folding table. We got work done and most importantly we have2....

Bad Movie

I just watched Open Water (it was free on Showtime On Demand). I fast forwarded through the entire thing and it only took about 20 minutes. I think I got the gist of it. I know, I know, but its a psychological thriller blah blah blah. Sorry. I can't even imagine...

The Great Receptionist Debate of 2006 RESOLVED

I ordered the desk. The one that is 3k.OUCH!I think it might be made of gold. Or diamonds. Or crack.Our computers were delivered. We now have a bank account and I have a new client. My very own client!!! The client number is 06-S0001. The glass front door was ordered...

A Review – Solomon v. Lord

Several weeks ago I was sent two books by author Paul Levine. Levine is the writer of a series of legal fiction novels (I can't think of a better name for the genre) featuring a protagnoist named Jake Lassiter. I have to admit that I'd never read any of his books...

It’s over, at last

Well, Friday was my last day at the other office. My mom asked what they did for me when I left. I said "they didn't smack me across the face." Seriously, it was not the best experience I've ever had but maybe it had to be done to get to where I am now? I've spent a...

When I grow up. . .

I want to be like Steven Wells.The judge supressed the confession and dismissed the indictment against his client, Rachelle Waterman.Go over to his blawg and tell him you think he is the bomb. Because he is.I'd also like to give props to the judge. This had to be a...

Nice things

I got an e-mail from author Paul Levine thanking me for the kind words in one of my blog posts. I do feel kind of like a scammer, though, since I got to read really excellent books and haven't actually followed through (yet) on the actual review. Suffice it to say...
