I got an e-mail from author Paul Levine thanking me for the kind words in one of my blog posts. I do feel kind of like a scammer, though, since I got to read really excellent books and haven’t actually followed through (yet) on the actual review. Suffice it to say that I’ve actually thought about using a couple of the things the lawyers in the book did in real life. I think they might actually work. So, in light of that, people, go read the books. They are great. And, if anyone else wants to send me books that don’t suck, please feel free to do so.

Now, turning to the office in training saga, you should all be thrilled to know that I think we reached a compromise on the receptionist desk. Whoohoo! And, tomorrow we sign a contract for our phone system (which also costs 4k) and our bank and IOLTA accounts are OPEN! We have checks with our firm name on them! Like grown up lawyers! Very exciting stuff, I must say. I’m feeling good, but tired. I wonder if this feeling will ever go away. I remember when we were running the restaurant. . . hmm. . . now that I think about it, the feeling doesn’t ever go away.

In the meantime, I’m trying to wrap up a couple of things at work while thinking about some things that will be coming at us once we are up and running. I’m going to assist in the sentencing hearing for the murder case. I think its important, considering my intense involvement in the case. The firm also has a manslaughter case that is going to trial on April 11 and I’ll be trying that with one of the other partners. It’s a pretty cool case and I’ll blog about it as we get closer.

I don’t know if these sorts of day to day blatherings about the new firm are of interest to anyone, but I figured someday later I’d want to read them to see what it was like when I started this thing. I wonder if I’ll say “ARGH! What was I thinking!!” Or, if it’ll be more serene than that. Right now, I know its the right thing. I hope my feelings never change.
