Well, Friday was my last day at the other office. My mom asked what they did for me when I left. I said “they didn’t smack me across the face.” Seriously, it was not the best experience I’ve ever had but maybe it had to be done to get to where I am now? I’ve spent a good amount of time, maybe too much time, dwelling over why I stayed there and what could have been done differently. This past week, however, I’ve been spending time getting things ready for our new digs. The walls are framed and drywall is going up. My new office is so big, its almost embarrasing. I’m meeting our cabling guy there at 8:30 this morning and then I’m going to go to Office Depot and check out supplies and whatnot. I’m going to be filling out insurance forms and getting the rest of our banking in order. I just got a blackberry and now feel like I’m actually in control of my destiny (isn’t that how those things are supposed to make you feel?)

In other news:

It turns out that despite how badly I want to be Steven Wells, he might actually want to be me. (Although, I don’t even think he reads this blog.) Apparently, he’s decided to hang his own shingle. It’s great timing, considering the national recognition from his last trial. And there is absolutely no reason not to cash in on that. I sort of have the same thing on a much, much smaller scale. My murder trial generated a fair amount of local ink, as well as a 30 second sound bite or two from me on the local news. It was enough that the defense bar actually acknowledged me when I got back to doing work in the city.

I’ve been happier in the past week than I’ve been in the past couple of years. I think it comes from knowing that I’m finally doing the thing that I’ve wanted to do for so long, yet have been so afraid to do. It’s an amazing feeling to actually be working on your dream and have some measure of control over how you might live your life.

Now we just have to wait for the clients to come.
