


Instant Partner – just add water

It seems so easy. You want to be your own boss, start your own business, do your own thing. You have a vision, a dream, and some knowledge of what you need to do next. Hey, anyone can do this. This ain't nothing. Get a sign with your name on it and put it on the door....

That book is awesome!

I haven't blogged in a while for a couple of reasons. First, I was sent avbook by a recovering trial lawyer turned writer named Paul Levine called "The Deep Blue Alibi". I was supposed to write a book review once I was finished with it. I was planning on writing the...


I haven't blogged very much lately because well, I'm feeling uninspired. I have a week and a half left at the office, and it can't go fast enough for me. I'm nervous about being without my fairly substantial paycheck for a while, but figure that a good portion of...

And I’m spent

I don't know if I've said a lot about the case I've been working on, but if I've been mum its because I've become more and more concerned with anonymity. I'm starting to wonder if its even worth it because its impossible to work on high profile cases and blog about...

And we’re still going

The jury deliberated for six hours last night and went home. We're back in again this morning. It looks like its going to be harder than anyone...

Dennie Crane and I are in love

I finally got around to playing MASH. I'm so behind. Anyway, here are my results:I'm a Singer who drives to work every day in a Black Hummer. I'm married to William Shatner and we have FIFTEEN children (he's hot, what can I say). We live, with our FIFTEEN CHILDREN in...

Marathons are very tiring

I'll be glad when this trial is over for two reasons. First, it will be over and we'll know the outcome and second, I'll only be at the office for two more weeks before I leave to get ready for my new office. I should emphasize MY new office.Hopefully we'll be done...

Isn’t it ironic?

You know how they say its good luck if it rains on your wedding day and if a bird craps on you? Maybe its good luck if you put your litigation box in the trunk of your car, pick up a map that's in the trunk, look at it, and then shut the trunk with your keys still in...

Very first jury trial in my new state

So, we start picking a jury tomorrow in the murder case I've been working on since I started at my soon to be former firm. I'm going to be delivering the opening statement and I have to be honest, I'm scared as shit. It's a pretty high profile case for the county in...

I’m sorry, but you made me

Those who are regular readers of this blog know that I am a blogging moron. I spent several hours updating my blogroll, only to think "hey, wouldn't it be neat to change my template!" which ended up deleting everything that I had added. You also know that just about...
