I haven’t blogged very much lately because well, I’m feeling uninspired. I have a week and a half left at the office, and it can’t go fast enough for me. I’m nervous about being without my fairly substantial paycheck for a while, but figure that a good portion of society lives below the poverty line, and we aren’t even close to that yet, so we should be okay. I just have this image of us sitting in the office, all new and sparkly, waiting for the phone to ring.

I’ve been getting a fair amount of responsibility at work lately. Too bad that couldn’t have happened earlier, I might have stayed a whole year if I hadn’t been treated like a glorified paralegal. But, this outcome was inevitable. I didn’t go to lawschool so I could ask permission to take time off, or to make sure someone else’s ‘to do’ list was complete. So, now I get to live the dream.

In the meantime, you can go to www.trialtheater.com and sign up for free trial tips. They’re actually pretty good.
