It seems so easy. You want to be your own boss, start your own business, do your own thing. You have a vision, a dream, and some knowledge of what you need to do next. Hey, anyone can do this. This ain’t nothing. Get a sign with your name on it and put it on the door. Well, I gave you the list of things we had to do in order to get this law firm off the ground. Now I can tell you that you also need to be prepared to have LOTS of very long, very arduous meetings with your partners. Because even if you all get along famously most of the time, there are going to be things about which you disagree.

Tonight started off really well. We went through my list of things and decided what we would do about them. Considering we’ve got about two weeks before D-Day, we had to make some final decisions. Then we came to something that should seem pretty simple – receptionist desk. I mean really, how hard can it be to decide on and order a receptionist desk. Want to know how hard??? VERY.


Because they cost about 3 thousand dollars. Yup. That woman who can’t even spell your name right on your messages? She’s sitting on a 3 thousand dollar throne. Who on earth wants to spend three thousand dollars on a freaking desk for someone who isn’t going to be billing a dime? So we discussed. And discussed and discussed some more.

Want to know what we decided? I’ll let you know. Probably after our next five hour long meeting.
