I am in awe of these babies and I believe that perhaps it is true that we are made in God’s image. After all, when we finally see the face of God, we are supposed to be struck with awe and we will stand there and look at him/her for a million years, but it will seem like only seconds. That’s how I feel about my boys. I can stare at them for hours and it is still not enough. It feels like only minutes have passed. The other night we had big Y in bed with us and husband whispered to me “you are lucky because he is facing you.”
It is like this thirst that can’t be quenched. It’s like needing another cigarette or more heroin or crack. When they are asleep, I want to wake them up so I can hold them, feel them, smell them. This is why the earth is overpopulated (okay, maybe just that part of the earth that has access to birth control) because these things, these babies, these miniature human beings are awesome.
This love, no, that isn’t even what it is, whatever it is, it is frequently overpowering. Is there a word for what parents feel about their children? Is there something, a phrase or a combination of letters that can capture it? Or, was the word ineffable created for this reason?
If someone could have captured these emotions and described them to me in full technicolor, I may have had children sooner.
I’m so familiar with that wordless feeling. We’re pretty damn lucky, eh? The blog coming back to life is great!
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