I am so worked up over this election, probably because I am incredibly disappointed by my fellow Americans. I didn’t realize that we really did want just anybody in our Chief Executive and co-Executive position. I thought when we told our kids “you can be President” (or VP) we meant if you do really well in a very good school and actually um, work for a real government with more than 10 people in it, then you can be President. Not, go to community college and then play JV basketball and then you can be President (or VP). I am clearly exaggerating here because she did go to college (University of Idaho) and she played basketball there, or something.
It reminds me of the Chris Rock sketch:
How the hell did Marion Barry get his job back? Smoked crack, got his job back. How the hell does that happen? If you get caught smoking crack at McDonalds, you can’t get your job back. They’re not going to trust you around the happy meals … How you gonna tell little kids to not get high, when the man’s on crack? Don’t get high, you won’t be nothing. I can be mayor.
Okay, so its not that bad, she doesn’t smoke crack, nor is she paying folks for sex, etc. But I think my point is clear. You shouldn’t be like everyone else and get to hang out in the Oval Office.
What’s so great about Palin is that she forces progressive, high achieving, successful women to confront their most base selves. From where I sit, women react to her like the “it” girl in high school — which is precisely why women in the US continue to fight the same issues again and again and again. The question you have to ask yourself is: when will you accept that no woman will be perfect for your purposes, but someone needs to lead the way?
She does? I guess your comment confuses me since I don’t know in what manner she does that, but then again, I’m not that high achieving or successful so maybe it doesn’t apply to me.
And, I have to point out that there are LOTS of women, even Republican women, who are a ton more qualified than her who have already been at the forefront of the march.
She doesn’t smoke crack or pay for sex that we know of…
Someone needs to lead the way? Okay, but shouldn’t that someone actually be qualified for the job? Governance issues aside, feminism will not be advanced by having the first woman in the white house be, well, Sarah Palin. I don’t understand this “it girl” portion of the comment either. I went to sort of a funky high school but I gather from the movies that “it girls” are consumed by their own appearance, sneaky, and quick to throw their peers under the bus. That sounds like Palin to me and it sounds like someone I don’t trust to run the country. And yes, there are many Republican women who are way more qualified. Sen. Hutchison from Texas for example.
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