


Your up to the minute update

Okay, so now I've taken several practice tests. I finished this last one in one hour and twenty minutes. That gives me an hour and forty minutes to go over the question, make sure I didn't screw anything up too badly, and concentrate on my handwriting (it is...

Uhhh. .. what was that?

Don't feel bad if you didn't understand the last post. I just re-read it and it makes no sense at all.Basically, I think my point is that Bar/Bri sucks.Copy...

Testing, Testing.

I'm waiting for copies of the practice tests (previous tests) to print out so I can start doing the, freaking out, etc. I'm a bit pissed that the BarBri course that I paid a million dollars for doesn't come with practice tests. Yes, I can dowload them from the MD Bar...

Taking a break, again

So, how about that Jeff Gannon, huh? Oh wait, wrong blog. Hmm. . .how about this one? He's pretty hot. I mean, for a military guy. I'm not really digging the pictures of him urinating, and in fact, I'm not a fan of the schlong photos in general (but that's just me),...

I’m going to fail

The title of this post says it all. I was overconfident and didn't study and now that I'm looking at the most recent tests, it is clear that I will fail miserably and will be stuck paying 1000 dollars in July to fail again. I've never failed anything (except for...

A completely dorky question

Okay, if a question asks "How would lawyer X use these documents" you would expect to answer as to the permissible uses of certain documents at trial, right? Like dealing with hearsay and other issues of admissibility with respect to the actual contents of the...

My peeps is in style!

So I know I should be writing about my interview with the public defender's office (they loved me, but mostly because I held back on the kung fu and went for a simple, but still mind-boggling tai chi move) but I just came back from "middle eastern" night at a bar...

Will an extra cup of black coffee settle my nerves?

I have an interview with the public defender's office this morning and I am nervous - first day at a new school and will anyone like me, that kind of nervous. I was not this anxiouis for the legal aid interview (probably because I knew deep in my heart that it was not...

Yo quiero your blog title.

So, I am notguiltynoway, but only because someone else already has notguilty. That someone else is www.notguilty.blogspot.com and the blog has not been updated since 2003 and it is in Spanish! Not that there is anything wrong with Spanish, but he should have used a...

What a gorgeous day here in B-more. It was 60 degrees and sunny, the perfect day for a run to the harbor, around the visionary arts museum then back. I'm meeting HM in an hour to go to belly dancing class and then we are going to go out to eat. My life is one big fun...
