


Last night I dreamt of san pedro. . .

Well, today was lovely. I shopped with Heff and we had a long, heart to heart about the world we live in and life in general. We ate lunch at Donna's (soup and crab dip) and then came back here and met husband with a martini and some snacks (smoked salmon with tomato...

Now, how does this work?

I've spent the entire day working out my legal future. First, I got a call from Legal Aid in the county asking me if I was interested. I told them the truth, that after I got the call from Annapolis I started to consider whether I wanted to start my own practice right...

Decisions, decisions

I have made a decision (I think, don't hold me to it though). I am going to turn down the offer at legal aid and start my own practice. I will start out doing immigration work (because its federal work) and then when I can I'll start doing criminal defense work too....

My First Date

So, I've just had a bloody mary (in honor of Heff's visit) and I've had a VERY successful first date. Here's what happened:I was on my way, looking smoking hot in my dad's nike zip up sweatshirt circa 1972, black and white workout pants, one of those head wrap ear...

New and Fun things

I got a call this morning at around 10 from the head of the Annalpolis legal aid office offering me the job there. She said that the Annapolis office had the right of first refusal but that the Baltimore County office was going to make me an offer on Monday. I am...

Briefs and Cases

I am in the market for a new briefcase/bag, etc. I have been scouring the earth for years for that perfect bag and have not been able to find one. I want something feminine, yet not goofy, big enough to hold legal documents (why on earth they can't all be normal...

It’s OVER!

Yipppeee!! It's over. Well, it has been for a while. I came home and watched "how do I look" ate some boca burgers and then went for a four mile run (maybe five, who's counting). Now I have to shower to go to belly dancing. That's two showers in one day! A record!I...


Yikes! Today is the day. And, in just a few hours I will be done. Well, less than six hours from now which still seems a very long time away.It's a bit unnerving to think that if I don't pass this test I won't be able to practice in Maryland AND I will have to admit...

Good Karma or Bad Karma, you decide.

Karma always reminds me of Jenna Elfman. She played Darhma on Darhma and Greg and then she played this crazy woman in one of those made for t.v. movies on Lifetime, television for victims and I heard recently on Stern (howard, isn't that where everyone gets their...

I hate BarBri

I just sent BarBri a nasty e-mail. I was watching the 'essay review' tape thinking, okay, here is where the magic happens. And you know what it was? A regurtiation of the board's analysis of the essays. I shit you not. In fact, the guy at the beginning was assuring us...


I am not kidding, I am going to study in ten minutes. I swear. Then I'm going to find my pass for the test and mapquest where it is (somewhere in Pikesville, wherever that is). Then I'm going to do some other stuff and then, oh crap, I don't know. I'll do something...
