So I know I should be writing about my interview with the public defender’s office (they loved me, but mostly because I held back on the kung fu and went for a simple, but still mind-boggling tai chi move) but I just came back from “middle eastern” night at a bar called the Red Maple and I have to ask this question – how come if the whitey hates us so much, they are so digging on our music? The dance floor was PACKED! On a Wednesday night! There were more people there tonight than I’ve seen on a Friday or Saturday when they’ve got guest d.j.s. Note to white people, if you blow us all up, we can’t make the happening jams anymore.

My friend the cheese man was on the dance floor making Israeli yelping sounds while dancing. His girlfriend, NCJ, decided not to join us, she had a headache (or is against my people, who knows). Cheeseman thought the belly dancer liked him but I had to break it to him gently – its her JOB to dance with you. Like a stripper. Sorry.

Great fun was had by all and now its one in the morning and I need to go to sleep. I promise that I will tell you all about my interview, hypothetical, and the fact that I probably won’t work for the p.d. because the job they have open now is in South Maryland – a.k.a. hick country with strip malls.

