Okay, so now I’ve taken several practice tests. I finished this last one in one hour and twenty minutes. That gives me an hour and forty minutes to go over the question, make sure I didn’t screw anything up too badly, and concentrate on my handwriting (it is atrocious). I am less nervous since I am doing well on the tests. There are some questions that, when I look at the answers I’m totally floored by what the “board’s analysis” is. It seems competely out of synch with the questions. I prefer them to be more like N’Synch, but you can’t have everything.

Seriously, though, its true that the more practices you do, the better you become (ARE YOU LISTENING 3L’s??) at taking the test. I find that in the past four or five hours, my fingers have become very nimble and I’m flipping through the books like, well, like a professional book flipper througher.

I am going to continue to do this (not blog, study!) for the rest of the evening and then for most of tomorrow. Argh. I can’t wait until this is over. I’m meeting my new friend, IrishFro, on Tuesday night for champagne and such. I met her on Wednesday, the same night we went to middle eastern disco funtime. It’s the same night I met fake maddona british accent girl. She showed us her new glass dildo and told us her boyfriend is bisexual, to which someone responded “no, he’s not bi, he’s gay. If he likes dick in his ass, he’s gay.” I mean, no one said that directly to her, because after all he is in the military saving our country or something.
