What a gorgeous day here in B-more. It was 60 degrees and sunny, the perfect day for a run to the harbor, around the visionary arts museum then back. I’m meeting HM in an hour to go to belly dancing class and then we are going to go out to eat. My life is one big fun time social hour, isn’t it?

Here is something weird. I’m not losing any weight, although my clothes fit looser and I feel really good. I think I’m going to chuck my scale out the window because all it does is depress me. I did that south beach diet several months ago and I think it really screwed with my system. I’m asian! My genetic makeup needs white rice! And bread! And potatos! I know that people lose weight on that diet, and on atkins, but I’m generally against eating animals that walk on the ground (except if I go to paris, in which case all bets are off) and I’m thinking that maybe I just need to accept the fact that if I want to make great changes in my body I need to get liposucution, which I’m not against except that I might need to save all that money and use it for fertility treatments and/or adoption. Or, for more trips to europe, depending on how things go.

Anyway, that’s all I have to say for now.
