


Office space

I went looking again today and saw an office in a lovely part of town called Mount Washington. It is gorgeous there, in fact, it looks like some of the nicer parts of upstate New York/Vermont - all villagy and stuff. The office was all of 80 square feet. It was, at...

Lethal Injection

I'm updating a memo on lethal injection and how its cruel and unusual and its so weird that people spend so much time figuring out the best, most effecient way to kill...

More contract work

I'm breathing a sigh of relief that I'll be working again. Contract work, but it pays the bills. My plan is to have a little nest egg that I can use when I finally get admitted in MD and start my practice. I have one week off since the new project starts on Monday....

Information abounds

I am amazed and impressed at the amount of information there is for people who are looking to go out on their own. It makes it seem very do-able, and yet I wonder if its really all that feasible for someone like me, with no reputation at all in this community. I'm...

Virtual what?

I followed up on the virtual office talked about in the article I linked to in the last post. Here in Baltimore you can get a virtual office that gives you only a mailing address for 75.00 a month. Hey, anyone ever hear of a post office box? For $200.00 a month you...

For those about to go out on their own. . . .

I found this post to be very heartening. It talks about the rates for indigent defense, and what it actually costs to run a solo law practice. Granted, she does it in the simplest way - works from home, virtual office, and no help. But, it shows that it can be done...

Interviews, and nothing

I had an interview with the city agency I'd been waiting to hear from all this time. That was over two weeks ago and since then - nada, nothing, no go. I hand delivered my thank you letters, I sent an e-mail and made follow up phone calls - nothing, no response.I'm...

Happy Fourth

Baltimore has kick ass fireworks.Seriously. They can make you forget about the fact that you have no job, no hopes for a job, and that you gave up a perfectly good (well, good in a sucky sort of way) job for this.Other things that make me forget about my 'past...


I truly am schizophrenic. I think something seems like a good idea - nay, a great idea. The best idea anyone could ever have in the entire world. Then ten minutes later, I've decided its the exact opposite of a good idea and I'm wondering how on earth I could ever...

No more contract law for me!

I got a job.Not at the PD's office. In fact, I called the PD's office to cancel my interview today because I took another job yesterday.I'm going to be working for a small law firm in Old Town Alexandria.Doing commercial litigation.And criminal defense!And...

Contract lawyers v. Receptionist

It's been a really long time since I've updated and you know how it is when you see people you haven't seen in a really long time and in that time you've broken up with your boyfriend of several years, gotten married, changed jobs, bought a house, gone bankrupt and...
