


Grand Jury Update

Our client didn't go into the Grand Jury. He decided he'd rather take his chances with a jury, when its not so much of a kangaroo court. He was indicted for manslaughter, and I think the only way for him to have avoided the charge at all was to testify. But, its hard...

Week Three

I think I've been here three weeks, maybe its four. I don't know, because time has just gone by. I won't say its been going by quickly, but the hours have turned into days, into weeks, etc. They haven't fired me yet, but I haven't really had time to write. I'll let...

Grand Juries

I have a question for all of you pros out there. Under what circumstances would you allow a client to testify in the Grand...


My beloved dog, Sappho, died tonight from a splenic tumor that had ruptured and hemmoraged. I am so sad, I can't even stand it.Now notguilty is going to cry.Please say prayers or if you don't pray just nice things for the greatest doggie in the history of the...

Welcome to beautiful downtown bawlmer

This is what I saw when I left work yesterday.I actually saw the torso that was floating in the water, and watched them pull a leg/pelvic bone/foot and shoe out of the water.The worst part was that there were parents who were standing there with their children...

Bar Exam News

For anyone who took, is about to take, or thinking of taking the Maryland Bar, take note that on Sept. 6 at 2:00 pm in the Court of Appeals conference room there will be a public hearing on whether the state should include the Multi-State Performance Test as a...

This morning

This job might actually take - I'm going to HR today to fill out paperwork. That means I'm probably really going to have a job. Not like before where I have one, then don't, then eh, you know.I was looking through some old files today and suddenly I got really excited...

When it rains. . .

It's been raining in Baltimore, but instead of cooling off, its only created steam. It rains at night, mostly. Thunder, lightening, you know, the usual stuff. I think "Thank god! Tomorrow it won't be one hundred degrees" and I wake up and its 100 degrees.We were...

Some legal stuff to titilate your brain

While I have been jobless, some weird things have happened that have made me curious about the whole world of P2P software and WiFi. There are some interesting article about WiFi, P2P software, and the dangers associated with it. I knew you could get viruses from...

Back in DC

I ran into a bunch of the people from my last project while in the office building yesterday during my training. I really like them (this post is not going to be flowery since I have to leave to get on train in 20 minutes and I haven't showered yet). The project...

DC bar application and next door neighbor

I'm doing the DC bar application, they ask lots of questions. I mean, lots and lots of questions. They want to know everywhere I've worked since I was 21. Imagine. Shit, like it even matters that I worked at some crapholio coffee shop when I was in college. Oh well....
