


Field Trip!!!!!

Yesterday, I got up at 4:00 am, filled with the excitement a Christian child probably feels on Christmas. I tiptoed around the house, trying to decide what to wear. Well, I'll be standing outside in line for several hours, so I want something warm. I'll be walking to...


We moved to Baltimore one year ago this weeekend. That weekend, October 31, 2004, it was 85 degrees out. Today, it is 45 and raining. Not much different from where we left. I guess we got screwed, eh?Today, I get sworn into the Federal District Court for my new home...

The truth hurts and other ramblings

I went to the jail today to see a few clients, all of them in federal custody. The news I had to give was not good - for any of them.Client one - I have over one thousand pages of discovery. None of it directly implicates you. But, that is the beauty of a conspiracy...

Peace and my last post

This is a holy month for us Muslims, towel heads, whatever you want to call us. It's the month of Ramadan, which most people only think of as a time when we muslims starve ourselves from dawn until dusk. I guess you could think of it that way, but its more than that,...

And rebuttal too

And yesterday I did the rebuttal argument for the suppression motion. Again, last minute, no warning. We don't get a decision until mid-November.Today I clean up my office, tidy up some stuff, finish off a Federal Habe, and go to the jail to visit some federal...

First time on stage.

So, had to get my court legs back yesterday - for the first time in over a year I had to actually examine someone in court. I was a bit shaky at first, but eventually gathered a full head of steam and after several minutes had that fantastic out of body, yeah, I can...

Lie Detectors

Had my very first experience with a client taking a lie detector today.Guess what?He was lying.Now, I wonder, what makes people think they can outwit these machines? What makes them think they can outwit me. Okay, maybe they can outwit me, but not the polygraph guy....

To Grandma, with love

Grandma, you've only been gone a week, but I miss you like crazy. See, its too bad I had to learn this lesson this way. I took you for granted, I thought you would always be around, that there would be time 'later' to ask you about your life, about who you were, how...

Reality or TV?

Sometimes I confuse things I've seen on "The Wire" with my real life cases. Watching that show has been a real learning tool for me. Clients ask me why I moved to Baltimore and frequently I'll laugh and say "Because of The Wire and Homicide" and they giggle and say...

Looking my age

I'm thirty four years old. There, I've said it. But, I've never looked my age. When I was younger, I was one of those 17 year olds who looked 10 and everyone would say "you'll be greatful when you are older" and I am. Most clients looks at me with a bit of hesitation...
