


New Year’s Resolutions

I'm not very good at keeping New Year's Resolutions, so I gave up on them years and years ago, figuring that if I wanted to start a project, anytime would do. It turns out that there's a problem with anytime - it never seems to come. So, I've decided that this year,...

And another. . . .

The Real TerminatorWhat's the likelihood that those fancy Hollywood types that got Arnold elected are going to dig into their pockets next time around?Listen, don't get me wrong. I'm not forgetting about the victims, they need to be remembered and honored, just like...

I feel even sadder when

I've gotten a couple of responses to my post about the last execution in Maryland and it suprises me that people believe that somehow it is okay to have the same respect for a human life that the murderer had for the person whose life he or she snuffed out. How can...


I go to New York today. Tonight, I see Depeche Mode at MSG and hang out with law school friends! Whoohoo! Old people fun. My brother is the head bartender at a hotel in Manhattan, so, not only do we get discount room rates, but can you say FREE DRINKS??!! You are...

And then I said

I am frequently astounded at the breadth and depth of misconceptions about what police can and can't do. So, I've set out a list of just a couple of general rules if you happen to be having a conversation with police officers say, after you've maybe done something...

I cannot believe I did this

So, I seriously spent HOURS on my blogroll then I thought, wow, wouldn't it be fun to change my template on the blog and well, my blogroll isn't really "customization" and now LOOK!!! LOOK!!! NO MORE BLOGROLL!! ARGH!!!!! It's just not meant to...

The Way things work up north

Blondejustice had a post recently about a woman in Albany who had been charged with the murder of her elderly mother. This woman had been convicted of killing another person several years before - when she was a he. He/she spent several years in jail and, after he/she...

I am actually going to update my blogroll

I know I am not the most read blog around, so not having everyone listed isn't breaking their hearts, but there are so many blogs that I read and I feel the need to give props to, so my darling husband is going to help me and it will really, honestly and truly be...

What I love about this state

Honestly, there isn't a whole lot that I'm fond of, but I gotta hand it to WaWa's and Royal Farms. Today, I actually made a U-Turn and went about 4 miles out of my way to go to Royal Farms. I got gas, a great cup of coffee, and got to use a very clean restroom without...

We already know the ending . . .

But here's the rest of the story anyway. . .. .The Chief clerk told us we could wait in the lawyer's lounge where the argument would be piped in. Hey, that was good enough for us. Then, the other clerk, the one who actually handles the briefs and whatnot - told us to...
