I’m thirty four years old. There, I’ve said it. But, I’ve never looked my age. When I was younger, I was one of those 17 year olds who looked 10 and everyone would say “you’ll be greatful when you are older” and I am. Most clients looks at me with a bit of hesitation because they think I’m right out of law school. I have to tell them that I’ve been in this mess for over seven years and that lets them breathe a bit easier. However, seven weeks on this job and I’m starting to look my age. I don’t know why this job has aged me more than my last. It might be the city air in combination with the lack of serious nutrition, my running regimine (I’m training for the Philly marathon in November) and the exessive number of hours I work. I do believe my last job was more stressful than this one, this one has more cases and more multi-tasking. Maybe women just start to look their age at 34? Or, maybe I need to get more sleep.