I had an interview with the city agency I’d been waiting to hear from all this time. That was over two weeks ago and since then – nada, nothing, no go. I hand delivered my thank you letters, I sent an e-mail and made follow up phone calls – nothing, no response.

I’m giving up on that route. It seems all of the fates are conspiring to send me in the direction I thought I moved here for, but from which I’ve been running the entire time. It’s gonna make me start my own practice. All of the resumes, all of the networking, none of it has panned out. And, the worst part is, I’m a really good lawyer! Why doesn’t anyone want to hire me?

I’ve been looking at office space. Slowly but surely, I’m contriving a plan. Everyone is encouraging me, in their own secret ways. People are saying “yeah, apply for that job, go for that one” and all the while they are saying “hey, I saw this ad for this office.” Hmmm. . . It scares the craplights out of me, this starting my own thing. But really, how much worse can it be than having nothing?
