I am amazed and impressed at the amount of information there is for people who are looking to go out on their own. It makes it seem very do-able, and yet I wonder if its really all that feasible for someone like me, with no reputation at all in this community. I’m doing the right things, I think. Taking the time to learn about marketing strategies, getting to know people in the community. But still, its difficult to know if I am making a huge mistake and should just keep doing contract work (if I ever get any again) or if I should just take the plunge.

For now, my options are limited since I am not yet admitted to practice in this great state of MD. It gives me time to review what I’m doing, still send out resumes to other places, and get to know some more people. I’m sending out lots of random e-mails to law firms, asking for advice, etc. It’s amazing how few people actually respond.

I’ll remember them when it comes time to refer clients to others.
