Still not very Funny

Dammit! Blondejustice has gone and done it again. To all potential clients out there – please say or do something funny in the next week or two so I can have some amusing anecdote to share. Thank you. In other news, my husband and I wrote a check for our new...

nothing funny ever happens to me

So I’m reading all these other blogs, and if I knew how to link to them I would, but anyway, they are really funny. They have funny clients and funny things happen to them in court and their clients say funny things. Like (hey!...

NOT CREAMED! (well, sort of)

Things went okay in court yesterday after all. Well, okay being a relative term. My client got exactly twelve months and while I let out a huge sigh of relief, he looked at me like I had just sent him to the gas chamber. So, I had to have yet another conversation with...

Creamed Client on Toast

I have to be in federal court today at 11:30, and my client (we shall call him JM) is going to get creamed. He plead guilty to sneaking a pakistani guy into the country. And, you know how we feel about those brown skinned people these days. (Just in case anyone...

I just took on a 17 count child sex case. I can’t figure my client out, he doesn’t really talk about the actual case, but spends our precious lawyer visit time talking about nonesense. “like what” you ask. I don’t know!! He just talks and...