too long

My posts are too long. I wonder how I can shorten them up. If I don’t, I won’t want to read them. I’m afraid of...

Why I don’t want to talk to you

First, let me say I that I’ve noticed that I used lots of words in my last post. For that, I apologize. To whom? To my husband, who is probably the only one that reads this. Its good for him to read it, though, because as I’ve previously stated, I never...

Clarence Darrow…

When I started trying criminal defense cases two years ago, I felt I needed some inspiration, somewhere to turn for a little mental lift. Honestly, I was scared shitless. There is nothing scarier, I thought, than having someone’s future in your hands. If you...

White Noise

I’m in my office now and there is a horrible fluttering sound coming from the air conditioner. I’m sure it was there all morning, but I just now noticed it and it’s making me crazy. I can’t even concentrate on the work I am pretending to be...

The Primary

Big news – last night the current DA lost the Deomocratic primary. This is really unbelievable in this region since Albany is one of the last strongholds of the political machine. The current DA is rigid, uncompromising, and inflexible. He prides himself on...