Dammit! Blondejustice has gone and done it again. To all potential clients out there – please say or do something funny in the next week or two so I can have some amusing anecdote to share. Thank you.

In other news, my husband and I wrote a check for our new tiny apartment in Baltimore. The contract on the sale of our house in New York fell through, but no worries, our plans to get the hell out of dodge are still intact and are going full throttle. Now its just a matter of clearing out my old cases and transferring those that’ll still be going forward, letting those clients down easy, etc. etc.

In case you are wondering, we are moving because of the dearth of amusing clients in this part of the country. I never knew what I was missing. . .

Also (can someone please tell me how to make those pretty links and not this stupid link stuff?)
