



I know blogs are personal journals and you aren't supposed to care what other people think blah blah blah but seriously though, some blogs are queer. I don't mean in the queer as folk, queer eye sort of way, but in the totally high school sense of queer. I am on a...

Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this...


What happened to haloscan? I am so confused. It just went away after that last post! Argh. Time to study anyway so who cares if haloscan doesn't love me. I still have my...

Hmm. . ..

What happened to my comments? They are gone! And some of them were so brilliant. Can I ever get them back? In case any of you are thinking "wow, notguilty, that is great! you figured out how to use the template thingie on blogger to put in haloscan" well, no, not...

Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this...

Why are you reading this??

I am very disappointed that blondie has not updated her blog in about a week. I am also dismayed at the lack of posts from the rest of you. You know who you are. Don't you know that I count on reading you during my study breaks and that it is essential, in fact,...


As you know from prior posts, and comments I've left on other people's blogs, I am a blogging idiot. One lovely reader, we'll call her E.McPan, even sent me an e-mail trying to help me, cleverly avoiding technical jargon and clearing up my confusion over haloscan and...

Panic! And a question for you law geeks.

I am in panic mode. I am reviewing the tapes from BarBri that I paid 1,000 dollars for (that I don't get to keep) and I've discovered that my dream of working retail must be put on hold until this test is finished. Why I waited until two weeks before to study, I don't...

What to do when you are unemployed, a list

1. Buy things to organize your apartment. Leave all the organizational purchases in a corner of the room. 2. Get cookbooks out of the library, put them with the organizational items. 3. Run. Occasionaly. 4. Study. Occassionaly. 5. Learn how to spell ocassionally. 6....

Funny Blog

You should check this out, in case you are into time travel and all that is H.G. Wells. I am not, but this still cracks me...

Bath and Body Works

I have found my new passion - Tutti Dolci at Bath and body works. They have lipgloss that you can actually eat. Not like that Jessica Simpson stuff that you can't really eat and I've heard tastes horrible. No, they have lipglosses that are actually sweet in flavors...
