I know blogs are personal journals and you aren’t supposed to care what other people think blah blah blah but seriously though, some blogs are queer. I don’t mean in the queer as folk, queer eye sort of way, but in the totally high school sense of queer. I am on a break from studying (say it with me, subject matter jurisdiction is never waived) and looking at some other blogs (because, see post below) and I am laughing. Not because they are funny like the ones I read daily, but because of their sheer, unadulterated queerness. I mean, COME ON FOLKS! You know what I’m talking about. We’ve all read them. Those ones about affairs with married men and whatnot. The ones where they are anonymous and spilling out the details of sex in bathrooms. It’s funny because its probably not true and people are like “thank you so much for sharing yourself with us. You are awesome.” Oh god. Totally queer.