As you know from prior posts, and comments I’ve left on other people’s blogs, I am a blogging idiot. One lovely reader, we’ll call her E.McPan, even sent me an e-mail trying to help me, cleverly avoiding technical jargon and clearing up my confusion over haloscan and trackbacks. She did mention something called Technorati and I had seen this linkie thing on some people’s sites so I went to it, typed in my URL, and WOW! I had no idea I was so thoroughly loved. I am loved by 18 people! 18!! I never would have guessed that that many people thought I was worthy of linking to. Those people, all 18 of you, are now ‘my public’. Actually, I don’t know if it is really 18 because I’m listed twice in some sites or something so maybe its really only 14 but still.

In other news:

Studying is so supremely boring I can’t even stand it. I’ve lost two pounds this week. Umm. . . my dad is leaving for Afghanistan on Valentine’s day. He’s such a romantic. I got a copy of the recommendation letter my old boss wrote to the public defender’s office. It’s pretty cool. I’ll copy it here at some point. I’m excited that its almost spring and then there will be baseball games to go to. Husband went for a callback at a job interview so one of us might be employed soon. I’m really going to do the Baltimore marathon and would be interested in virtual running partners so if someone from my public would like to do that, let me know.

I have 12 minutes before I have to start studying. Crap.
