


Update on the Anthony Graber Maryland Wiretap Case

I've written quite about about Maryland prosecuting citizens for videotaping police officers doing their jobs in very public places.  The most notable of these cases is that of Anthony Graber, the motorcyclist who, with his helmet cam, video and audio taped an...

A 9/11 post on 9/13.

This post is a few days late, what with their being so many 'where were you' posts on facebook and twitter, I didn't want my 'where were you' post to get lost in the mix.  So, here it is friends, this is my 9/11 story.  I don't know if I've ever told this...

Everyone Just Settle Down

So, apparently there is an idiot in Florida, a so-called 'man of god', who is holding a burn the Quran day on September 11.  His church has 50 followers.  I'm not so sure, but that doesn't seem like so many.  I'm left to assume he isn't the most...

Blawg Review #279

International Day of the DisappearedA Blawg Review in Three Parts  I am really quite nervous to be hosting Blawg Review #279.  It's sort of a big deal.   I read Blawg Review pretty regularly and I know that people who wouldn't otherwise stop by Not...

Hey, if it’s good enough for the Judge.

A young lawyer linked to this article in Time Magazine that talks about a decision by the 9th circuit in U.S. v. Pineda-Moreno holding that law enforcement can attach GPS devices to cars as part of their surveillance.  (FYI, the article is by Adam Cohen who is...

Blawg Review

In even more exciting news, I am hosting Blawg Review #279.  Submission guidelines are here.  If you have something you think I should consider, please send it to the editor at blawg review for um, blawg review.  I'm excited to take a gander at the...

This blog – 39 years 1 day.

It is the first day full day of the 39th year of my life.  I was thinking I would write an angst filled post about the unexpected twists and turns my life has taken, how chaos has been the rule rather than the exception, and making a list of regrets and...

Pick your jury, any jury.

I've been working on a number of post-conviction motions these days and I get to do a fair amount of armchair quarterbacking.  I know appellate lawyers like to think that they know what's up, they could do this stuff better than that silly, flashy trial...

Ego or Justice?

While I've had my head up my ass, a lot of great discussion has taken place in the blogosphere regarding the notion of justice and our role as criminal defense attorneys in that great ideal.  While I consider the discussion to be valuable, I think what's even...

Where I’ve Been

The folks over at the notguilty household have had a fairly tumultuous month.  Suffice it to say that my mind hasn't been on blogging, but on trying to figure out ways to build the practice and providing emotional relief for the people at home.  Dad is back...

The Library Under the Deck

We grew up around books.  Lots and lots and lots of books.  My parents had a large house in Rockland County, NY, and it had a giant, unused space in the basement that my dad had fitted as a library with built in bookshelves and a huge entertainment...
