


I’ve used a word I said I never would.

I am not taking sides.  Really, I'm not.  There is a bit of a tug of war going on in the interweb and I want to maintain a somewhat neutral presence without being called a cheerleader or a phony.  Perhaps it's time to let that go by the wayside and say...

Mommy Blog Post

Warning - extensive self-absorbed commentary ahead:How could I ever have thought I could leave?  How did I think that I could simply walk away, stay home, make cornbread?  Why was I trying to put a round peg into a square hole?I am admitting this now, I was...


Today I listened to Mark Bennett.  The courthouse freaked out.  I didn't 'win' in a technical sense, but the client got his day in court and I earned my keep.  Isn't this what we signed up...

Before we discuss the law stuff.

First thing's first, I wanted to thank everyone who took the time to vote, to comment, to tweet or to email me about the photos.  While I am more secure in my appearance now than I was when I was 16, it still took a bit of a deep breath for me to post those,...

Pick the Pic

Below there are three pictures that I'm thinking of using on the new website.  To the right is a poll.  Have at it!PICTURE 1PICTURE 2PICTURE...

Update on Not Guilty

So, I've made a decision.  Notguilty will stay exactly as is and I will have a new blog on my website that will be devoted to giving folks general information they might be looking for.  It has taken me a long time to figure out how to handle it, and I...

A Tale of Two Cities.

I was perusing the newspapers this morning and in the headlines of the Baltimore Sun was this:  "Black Guerrilla Family: Federal Grand Jury Indicts 15 in Connection with Gang"  If you are of the law and order mindset, this will come as wonderful news because...

Coming up

I have some guest posters coming up. Kathy Manley will continue to fill us in on the terrorism and sex offender issues their office is working on, Mardi Crawford of the New York State Defender's Association will give us an update on what's happening with the Public...

The Law, a Love Affair of Sorts.

I am running short on ideas of things to write about.  Well, that's not entirely true, there are lots of posts I start and then stop because I run out of steam.  It seems there is so much injustice everywhere I turn, so many long Supreme Court decisions, and...

Weekly Roundup First (and last) Edition

I started three blog posts this week (besides the two that were actually published) but life got in the way of my good times.  So, instead of three separate posts, I thought I'd do a weekly roundup and tell you what I was gonna say in those three posts.By now,...
