I have some guest posters coming up. Kathy Manley will continue to fill us in on the terrorism and sex offender issues their office is working on, Mardi Crawford of the New York State Defender’s Association will give us an update on what’s happening with the Public Defender Legislation, and Terry Kindlon – yes THE Terry Kindlon, has agreed to do a post on whatever he wants. As long as it is complimentary to me. 

Last night I went to a D.C. South Asian Bar Association dinner meeting wherein I got to wax poetic (or just talk a lot) about hanging up a shingle. My history as a lawyer is tough to pin down since I’ve really only worked for a law firm once, and I totally sucked at it.  It was interesting to lay out the path that’s gotten me here, though, and even more so to hear what other young lawyers think about it.  We got some good feedback (it was a small ground, just 8 of us).  One woman, a 3L, said she felt that there was so much to learn in order to start your own practice.  Another gentleman said we made it sound very do-able.  I think both perspectives are true.  It is do-able, but its also a lot to learn.

Today I go to Baltimore on my first CJA case.  I am properly attired with appropriate court shoes.  But no nude hose!
