Just Checking

Well, I wish I had a lot to report since last we chatted.  Let me see, the boys are almost 3.  They aren’t potty trained.  (Too lazy.  Me, not them)  They are talking up a storm.  Their favorite cartoon is Tom and Jerry (go...

Chase me! I’ve got a Big Heart.

I think I’ve mentioned before that I’ve always wanted to run a marathon, and really, what better time to run one when I’m a stay at home mom of crazy twin boys in the middle of moving? I’ve got nothing else to do but run, right? Well,...

Worked up

I am so worked up over this election, probably because I am incredibly disappointed by my fellow Americans. I didn’t realize that we really did want just anybody in our Chief Executive and co-Executive position. I thought when we told our kids “you can be...

Further ranting on Sarah Palin

My rant is in no particular order, but here goes: 1. She did not WRITE A WORD OF THAT SPEECH. Matthew Scully who was a Bush Speechwriter, wrote it. Not her. She read it. She can read very, very well. Great. I’m glad she can read. Can everyone stop gushing about...

I’m Insulted

I am checking in not to write about the beginnings of year 2 with toddlers (yes, they both walk now) or that I’m going back to work (not yet, but soon enough) but to say that while I was on the fence about Obama for a while (yes, its true, I was thinking about...

Never, ever again.

In my initial post partum days, when I was certifiably insane, I thought I was ready to have another child as soon as my body bounced back. Luckily for me, it took my body a long time to bounce back (and its till doing a lot of bouncing, but that’s another post...