Aug 1, 2011 | Not Gulity No Way |
Today my boys turn four. Four years ago I was finally no longer with child(ren), and while I was no longer pregnant, I started the traumatic post-partum period wherein they diagnosed me with post-partum depression instead of hypothyroidism and it went untreated for 8...
Jul 28, 2011 | Not Gulity No Way |
I bought this domain a little while ago thinking that a move might be nice. I’m a nomad by nature, a gypsy at heart, so the thought was that if I had new blogger digs, the words might come. I’ve gotten some grief over not writing, and it is justified. I...
Jun 29, 2011 | Not Gulity No Way |
I use the term litmus test with only a vague understanding of it’s meaning. I am, unfortunately, a science moron, and only remember something about paper turning purple if it’s basic? Or is it acidic? Regardless, I understand it means “a test in...
Jun 21, 2011 | Not Gulity No Way |
I read an incredibly disturbing story today about a 26 year old former marine who was at home with his wife and two small children when a SWAT team broke into his house (ok, they had a search warrant which I’m sure was poured over by the judge who signed it) and...
Jun 20, 2011 | Not Gulity No Way |
I am the mother of twin boys that will be four in August. If you follow the blog you know that I had trouble conceiving, was on bedrest for over four months while pregnant, and then had a very difficult recovery. All in all, actually physically bringing those boys...
Jun 15, 2011 | Not Gulity No Way |
I am terribly behind in reading the blogs over there on the right. I’m terribly behind on updating my website and moving my blog to the notguiltynoway domain name that I’ve recently acquired. But I’ve started to catch up and you know, I have to...