To Scott Greenfield – Let’s Talk

I started my blog back up early last year when the clients were few and far between.  I was surprised at many things back then – mostly how blogs were being used for advertising and how many people were talking about things I simply did not understand.  I found...

On forty.

I turned forty a couple of weeks ago and I should have written a post on the full-court press of my mid-life crises, sort of the way I did last year.  But last year I was still in my 30’s and it may not have seemed so cheap and desperate. What a difference a...

More Good Stuff from the Fourth Circuit

Last week, our beloved (now) Fourth Circuit issued an amazing, beautiful, joyous and delicious (yeah I called it delicious) opinion in U. S. v. Bonner.  The gist of the case is this – Bonner was charged in Federal Court in North Carolina with Robbery and related...