Jul 18, 2012 | Not Gulity No Way |
Some days this gig is just a job, but most days it feels like a compulsion. It’s still easy, after all these years, to feel self-righteous and view this thing we do as a calling, but today I wanted to see what others had to say about just that. I mean, is there...
Apr 30, 2012 | Not Gulity No Way |
If I had a dollar every time someone said to me “you must have some interesting stories” I’d have a whole lotta dollars. Probably like 20. Or maybe even 30. Oddly enough, I never tell anyone any of my stories. They are too personal and, for those of...
Mar 27, 2012 | Not Gulity No Way |
There are things of which I am certain – my love for my children, that summer follows spring and that I am a criminal defense lawyer. All other things are up for grabs and open to discussion including whether winter, as I have always known it, follows fall, my...
Jan 9, 2012 | Not Gulity No Way |
It’s 9 days into the new year and I haven’t posted anything intriguing yet. Oh, come on, you all are used to waiting and waiting and waiting for my next ever-inspired and inspiring post. Don’t lie. You say you’d like me to post more but the...
Dec 8, 2011 | Not Gulity No Way |
A few weeks ago Brian Tannebaum wrote a post calling for a national conversation on law enforcement. He says ‘it’s time’ as if a police officer pepper spraying a group of peacefully protesting students would stay in our national memory long enough...
Dec 1, 2011 | Not Gulity No Way |
I frequently wonder what other people talk about. I mean, when regular people sit around the dinner table, or drink coffee while packing snack bags for their kids, what is the nature of the discussion going round. I imagine that most people- partners, spouses,...