May 5, 2010 | Not Gulity No Way |
1. Before twitter I did not have a round tuit. Now, thankfully, I have my very own round tuit. You should get one too. 2. Before twitter I did not know who Huma Rashid was. I thought I was a happy girl. That girl makes me...
May 3, 2010 | Not Gulity No Way |
I haven’t had a sitemeter or any sort of analyzer on this site until this week, when my friend Jamison Koehler recommended that I find out who is reading and where they are coming from. I resisted, but as we all know, resistance is futile. Now, I...
Apr 20, 2010 | Criminal Defense, Not Gulity No Way |
Here is my public service announcement for the day, Norm Pattis on why talking to the police is never a good idea. A while back, on SoloSez, someone asked the question – would you consent to a DNA test to exclude you as the perpetrator of a...
Apr 17, 2010 | Not Gulity No Way |
The sun is shining, I should be running(ish), but instead, I am, once again, reading blogs and discovering a universe of fun and excitement. I know, you all know about these already, but indulge me, will you? Brian Tannebaum of Criminal Defense Blog fame has...
Apr 16, 2010 | Not Gulity No Way |
The initial premise of this post was going to be that we are lacking in female criminal defense attorneys (in private practice) around these parts. I was going to bemoan how female attorneys end up in non-litigation positions and feel more comfortable...
Apr 12, 2010 | Not Gulity No Way |
I am sometimes astounded by the amount of sheer genius out there in the criminal defense realm. I come to my little office, put my little 4 cup coffee pot on to brew, and determine I am going to get down to business. I am going to organize my...