Nice things

I got an e-mail from author Paul Levine thanking me for the kind words in one of my blog posts. I do feel kind of like a scammer, though, since I got to read really excellent books and haven’t actually followed through (yet) on the actual review. Suffice it to...

Instant Partner – just add water

It seems so easy. You want to be your own boss, start your own business, do your own thing. You have a vision, a dream, and some knowledge of what you need to do next. Hey, anyone can do this. This ain’t nothing. Get a sign with your name on it and put it on the...

That book is awesome!

I haven’t blogged in a while for a couple of reasons. First, I was sent avbook by a recovering trial lawyer turned writer named Paul Levine called “The Deep Blue Alibi”. I was supposed to write a book review once I was finished with it. I was...