For those about to go out on their own. . . .

I found this post to be very heartening. It talks about the rates for indigent defense, and what it actually costs to run a solo law practice. Granted, she does it in the simplest way – works from home, virtual office, and no help. But, it shows that it can be...

Interviews, and nothing

I had an interview with the city agency I’d been waiting to hear from all this time. That was over two weeks ago and since then – nada, nothing, no go. I hand delivered my thank you letters, I sent an e-mail and made follow up phone calls – nothing,...

Happy Fourth

Baltimore has kick ass fireworks. Seriously. They can make you forget about the fact that you have no job, no hopes for a job, and that you gave up a perfectly good (well, good in a sucky sort of way) job for this. Other things that make me forget about my ‘past...