Hmm. . ..

What happened to my comments? They are gone! And some of them were so brilliant. Can I ever get them back? In case any of you are thinking “wow, notguilty, that is great! you figured out how to use the template thingie on blogger to put in haloscan” well,...

Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this...

Why are you reading this??

I am very disappointed that blondie has not updated her blog in about a week. I am also dismayed at the lack of posts from the rest of you. You know who you are. Don’t you know that I count on reading you during my study breaks and that it is essential, in fact,...


As you know from prior posts, and comments I’ve left on other people’s blogs, I am a blogging idiot. One lovely reader, we’ll call her E.McPan, even sent me an e-mail trying to help me, cleverly avoiding technical jargon and clearing up my confusion...