


A post about many different things.

The hardest part of this job is the humanity. You know, when you become a human being everyone else around you starts to look that way too. It is easier to kill, dig a hole and bury when people have no value and no meaning. When my life is worth more than yours or...

Truth and Consequences

My boys are now six years old and their little brains are not so little anymore. They are learning to read - although a little behind their friends they are most motivated to learn to do it so they can read menus and the words on their video games. They are immensely...

I blend.

I've written before about being brown in a black and white world. It really is, I think an advantageous yet unfair position because I can sift in and out of both worlds, all worlds. No one knows what I am and more importantly, what side I'm on. I sit on the fence...


On facebook today I saw a post on a story called Kafka and the doll. The story goes that Kafka, when he moves to Berlin, meets a young girl who is desolate over the loss of a beloved doll. Kafka helps the girl look for the doll and when he can't find it, he tells her...

Guilty as charged.

I have a very nicely paved road to hell. Immigrants, before they come to America, they imagine the roads are lined with gold, the buildings gleam with their inlaid silver, and that the cars exhaust is filled with perfume. They are not prepared for the reality of what...

Know thyself.

We think we do a decent job. We get up, get our coffee, get our kids off to school (hopefully with minimal long term damage to their psyche) and then head off to work ourselves. There, we sit at our desks and computers and we toil away. Maybe we make some calls or...

This lawyer’s life.

In a fascinating turn of events - I am busy. It's not that I don't have the will to write anymore. It's not that there aren't fascinating, interesting, exciting developments that are happening each day in the legal world. Oh, my friend. There are legions. But these...

Then there is just love.

There is a lot going on in the news right now. Bombs have exploded at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. People are dead. Others are severely injured - run a marathon and then lose a limb or two. Speculation is rampant about who did this and why. My twitter feed...
