


Padilla Retroactivity in Maryland

Ah, a legal post.  Aren't you all a-flutter.  Don't lie.  I know you are, especially one that deals with Padilla and retroactivity.  Oh, and Maryland law.  Here it goes:In February, the Maryland Court of Special Appeals issued a decision,...

On Grief, three weeks later.

There are moments when I am well.  Extremely well.  Thinking about work and clients and obligations that I've put off to tend to the needs of my family in this time of grief.  And then there are days when it all falls apart and while I can go through...

Ineffective assistance of counsel, again.

So while Dontrell Deaner's judge was wise enough to halt proceedings and get him new, competent counsel before he spent the rest of his days in jail waiting for an appeal that would be fruitless, a trial judge in Michigan thought, ah hell, this fucker is guilty so we...

A silver lining.

The story is all around the internet.  It's the hot topic of the week, and it should be on the lips of every criminal defense practicioner, if not every lawyer who gives a shit about the legal profession - Joseph Rakofsky, an alleged criminal defense lawyer (with...

Death, Religion and Poetry

And herein is a post filled with naval gazing and fluffy kittens, philosophical thoughts and deep musings.  Or, it's nothing more than a chance for me to tell you that my grandmother died last week.  It is the natural cycle of life.  She was 82 and in...

Blawg Review # 301

On March 7, 1876 Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone.   This post will not give you any insight into how the telephone works, for I do not know nor will I ever be able to comprehend it.  I am satisfied believing that it, along with the fax and...

The Fourth Circuit Revives the Fourth Amendment

I spend so much time bemoaning the loss of our constitutional rights, in particular the beloved Fourth. It's gotten so bad that these days I feel a bit of the rebel when I quote it verbatim in motions and briefs.  In case you haven't seen it in a while, here it...

Writer’s Block

I haven't written in several days because I have writer's block.  It's something I've never experienced before, something I always thought was just a wall you could push through.  I'd heard about 'creative juices drying up' and 'needing to find the...

Legalize it?

Last week I posted quickly on terrifying statistics in Baltimore City.  That day, I got an email from Scott Greenfield containing an excerpt of a speech to the Cato Institute by John McWhorter, who is currently a lecturer at Columbia University and an Associate...

Terrifying statistics

I have been trying to form a blog post around this fact:In the midst of a fiscal crisis, Maryland, like so many other states, simply can’t afford to spend such an obscene amount of money on corrections when viable alternatives exist. Maryland’s incarceration rate has...

Blogging and Women. Wikipedia is just stupid.

At Crime & Federalism, Mike Cernovich doesn't write too much about crime or about federalism.  These days its about women blaming men for bad stuff that happens, recipes to develop more manliness, and alpha males man-handling their women and killing their own...
