So, today is April 1 – April Fool’s.  It seems as if mother nature has played a great big April Fool’s joke on most of us – haha, you thought it was spring! Phhhtttt. And you know, that’s ok.  I mean, I’m just a mere human being. I can be fooled by a power as awesome as MOTHER NATURE.  But, the New York Times?  I mean, come on. Aren’t they supposed to be better than that?  After all, it is the ‘Grey Lady’ and has ‘All the news that’s fit to print.’  I don’t have any such awesome nicknames or mottos. (But now that I think of it, maybe I should.)

But, alas, once again, the times has been taken in.  Last year, they fell for a couple of different pranks, publishing stories without checking facts and then trying to explain it away.  This year they haven’t fared much better, as this post at Brian Tannebaum’s My Law License points out.

Don’t the people at the New York Times have Google?

So there. If you get punked today by another mere human don’t feel so bad.  You don’t have fact checkers or editors or, you know, people making sure of the accuracy of the information you receive or disseminate.  But, if you have any say so with that Mother Nature, can you tell her the joke’s getting old?
