



There are things of which I am certain - my love for my children, that summer follows spring and that I am a criminal defense lawyer. All other things are up for grabs and open to discussion including whether winter, as I have always known it, follows fall, my...

Hello 2012. I’ve been waiting for you.

It's 9 days into the new year and I haven't posted anything intriguing yet. Oh, come on, you all are used to waiting and waiting and waiting for my next ever-inspired and inspiring post.  Don't lie. You say you'd like me to post more but the excitement wanes when...

Doomed to repeat it.

A few weeks ago Brian Tannebaum wrote a post calling for a national conversation on law enforcement. He says 'it's time' as if a police officer pepper spraying a group of peacefully protesting students would stay in our national memory long enough for us to actually...

Can we talk?

I frequently wonder what other people talk about. I mean, when regular people sit around the dinner table, or drink coffee while packing snack bags for their kids, what is the nature of the discussion going round.  I imagine that most people- partners, spouses,...

To Scott Greenfield – Let’s Talk

I started my blog back up early last year when the clients were few and far between.  I was surprised at many things back then - mostly how blogs were being used for advertising and how many people were talking about things I simply did not understand.  I found a...

What not to wear. Yes, I’m writing about clothing.

I've been lucky enough to hop around in court over the past several months and have even had some nifty misdemeanor court appearances.  Listen up folks, anyone who thinks they are too good for misdemeanor work doesn't know the joy of a 19 year old client who is...

Innocence, Executions and Explanations.

Disclaimer:  I am a democrat.  I've never voted for a republican and although I remained open to it in 2008, much to the chagrin of the rest of my left-leaning family, I haven't yet met a republican that didn't say something I just didn't jive with.  I've always been...

On forty.

I turned forty a couple of weeks ago and I should have written a post on the full-court press of my mid-life crises, sort of the way I did last year.  But last year I was still in my 30's and it may not have seemed so cheap and desperate. What a difference a year...

More Good Stuff from the Fourth Circuit

Last week, our beloved (now) Fourth Circuit issued an amazing, beautiful, joyous and delicious (yeah I called it delicious) opinion in U. S. v. Bonner.  The gist of the case is this - Bonner was charged in Federal Court in North Carolina with Robbery and related...

A post where I tell you a secret.

Today my boys turn four.  Four years ago I was finally no longer with child(ren), and while I was no longer pregnant, I started the traumatic post-partum period wherein they diagnosed me with post-partum depression instead of hypothyroidism and it went untreated for 8...
