


Just when I thought it was safe. . .

I thought I was catching up with all of this blogging gadgetry, like making linkie things and haloscan and trackbacks. Now, I hear there is something called an aggregator? What the hell? Are you people just making shit up so I can continue to feel like a techno-idiot?...

Still not studying, like you didn’t know.

I made my mother a CD for valentine's day. Its something I've never done before, but I didn't get to the florist or to the mall, so I figured why not? So I sat down at trusty old Alice (I just named my computer right this second, so now I'm gonna call it Alice) and I...


Why can't I study? And why am I pretending to be excited when legal aid calls to tell me they've forwarded my name to the executive committee? Why can't I just tell them I'm not interested in working there? Because, because I might have to bite the bullet and do what...

My Valentine

My husband and I moved to Baltimore together on Halloween weekend and we have spent almost every hour of every day together since then and you know what? It has been quite nice. So, in tribute to him and all things that are lovey dovey, here's a shout out to my...

I can’t think of a title so this is what you get.

My dad is leaving for Afghanistan today. We are going to see him off at the airport in a couple of hours. I have all sorts of feelings about him going and what the outcome could be (he's thinking of buying a place in Kabul for the family, and making sure our family...

a short running story.

I got jealous of a woman at the gym today. No, she wasn't incredibly good-looking or slim or anything like that. She wasn't even pretty. Not at all. But boy, could she run. She ran six miles like it was nothing. Without headphones. Just the sound of her breathing to...

The Gates

I am so excited! Husband and I are going to see The Gates, by Cristo and Jean-Claude next week. We will drive to NYC in the a.m., wander through central park and then head home that evening. Of course, I will be studying in the car the entire way.Check it...

Kandahar, a Review (it sucked!)

I am from Kandahar, Afghanistan. A place that no one had heard of several years ago but now everyone feels like they have some knowledge of it. That's nice. I think its nice, really. But, if you want to get an idea of what Afghans are like, or what my native land is...

I get more smarter every day

I have wicked hiccups and have just discovered something fantastic. Sensational. Unbelievable.Dogs have a third eyelid. It goes across their eye like a curtain.This is amazing. I've had my dogs for twelve (12) years and I just noticed it tonight.Did everyone else...

Wives Club

My bestest friend in the whole world, HM lives in the county of Baltimore. She is soon going to be world famous because she will have cured cancer in mice or something. Her husband B works for a computer game company. It sounds like they have fun at work, but I think...

I hate haloscan

Now, I know I am a complete blogging idiot. I can't set up my linkie things on the side so I can't give props to those of my public who brighten my day, I don't know about trackbacks, and I can't make little smilies appear where I want them. But, I thought I had...

My favoritist song ever. . . this week

Question, by the Old 97s.I heard it at my friends S and S's wedding in December and fell in love with it. Finally downloaded it yesterday and put it on my "running mix 2/2005" along with Bitterest Pill by the Jam, Shaggy, and Nu Shooz. It made me run 4 1/2 miles...
