My husband and I moved to Baltimore together on Halloween weekend and we have spent almost every hour of every day together since then and you know what? It has been quite nice. So, in tribute to him and all things that are lovey dovey, here’s a shout out to my valentine.*

Why do I love thee? Let me list seven reasons here. Why seven? Hmm. . .I don’t know. But it seems like a good number. (er, or something like that)

1. You love Howard Stern as much as I do, but you don’t make me watch the E! show. Thank you. Or animal planet where animals are eating each other. Blech.

2. Coffee in bed. Minimal conversation before coffee in bed. Oh, how you know me. (and know how to protect yourself!)

3. Going along with me when I say things like “Hey, let’s go to Europe next week” And not freaking out. Well, not too much.

4. I can ask the name of any movie on t.v. and you know what it is in two notes, meaning I never have to resort to actually having to look at the t.v. listing. Genius.

5. Your really wonderful Indo-Pak imitation. Ohhh. . I’m in comedic heaven when you do that.

6. Walking the dogs in the rain, sigh.

7. Living with me. Taking it all. Every day.

Okay, that’s it. Just seven.

*I am giving props to E.McPan.
